Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Taking Elder Perry's Advice into Action

So last time I mentioned that I would  give you my input and let you know how I am putting Elder Perry's tips (posted below) into my life. I love that talk he gave, if you didn't read it he talked a lot about prayer and scripture study and continuing those habits when you are home from your mission.

Well..... I think I may have mentioned this before but my first morning back I was one determined cuss (as my dad says) to make sure I woke up at 6:30 to study and exercise and what not, but my mom swiped her phone, which was my alarm clock in the middle of the night so that I would sleep, the little punk! I woke up in a panic, still determined to do what I had been doing for the past year and a half, so I went upstairs and started to study.

Almost every return missionary that I talked to said that their scripture study took a bit of a hit when they got home.... I can now join that crowd. Mine totally did. Instead of studying for half an hour I am now trying to making sure I study for 10 minutes... hopefully. And trust me I have sat through many a church meeting feeling guilty that I hadn't stepped up my game yet.

So here are my thoughts on it, take it for what you will, but it is so much easier to study when you have that time set apart to study. I never thought I would be busier than what I was as a missionary and I totally thought wrong. I start work and school at 8:00 a.m. so I usually wake up around 6:30 to 6:45 to get ready, and then come home usually at around 9:00 p.m. give or take a couple of hours depending on how many meetings I have or what homework is due the next day. I don't usually have breaks in between and when I get home and get to bed to read usually I am one wiped girl. I always try and do at least 10 minutes or more like I said, but sometimes I don't even get that in...... I feel like this has turned more into a confession so uh.... let's move on :)

Even though I don't have as much time as I would like to spend all day reading the scriptures what I do get out of it still means so much. At the beginning of my mission I heard a talk titled The Character of Christ by Elder Bednar, it is incredible. He talked about studying the scriptures according to a topic and I thought that was a pretty cool idea and tried it out myself. I really like it. I get a little blue copy of the Book of Mormon and the first time I read it was according to Preach My Gospel, a tool missionaries use to help them teach, the second time was according to Justification, Sanctification, and Grace, and the third time we did as a mission together according to the Atonement. I choose different colors to use as marking tools according to the different categories that I study and start at the beginning and read it completely to finish. All along the way searching for those scriptures and stories that have to do with what I am studying.  I had no idea you could get so much out of the scriptures. Not only now can I read their stories and what happened. But I feel like I know these people that are written about and why they are so great.

There is so much power in scripture study, not just scripture reading. And so even though I can't do it for as long, I can still get a whole lot out of it if I put forth that effort.

Elder Bednar for the win!
So let's talk about prayer. There are days where I feel like I am totally holding up my end of my relationship with God and telling my Heavenly Father everything and other days where I feel like a passive aggressive teenager that doesn't want her parents knowing what is going on in her life. How silly huh! So I decided to change. Yeah some days I am dog tired and some days I feel that there is nothing really to talk to Him about. But I'll tell you an experience I had the other day. I was kinda stressin over school stuff and had some questions on what direction I needed to go. I was talking to my mom about it and told her I was worried and she said, "Yeah just lay it all out on the line to God and see what He thinks." So later that night I knelt down and instead of doing a remote, Hey, thank you for this, please bless this ya know? I said, "I am worried about these things and I need your help. I understand that you know what will happen and what not but I just need to know if things will be okay." I was instantly overcome with so much peace. That has happened countless times. If you ever have a question on whether or not Heavenly Father hears you, just listen. Take pauses in between what you are saying to Him and let him speak back with you. You will never doubt that He loves you again.

Those are the two biggest things I have found that help me keep the spirit, but it is in every day things too. I honestly think a lot of it comes when you put others before yourself. Just like how you did when you were a missionary. It is kinda tough to not get sucked back into the junk of being self-absorbed but if you truly want to be happy you will steer clear of that.

This is kinda a stretch, but I like the idea of this article on David Archuleta, and why he chose to go on a mission. I feel that we can do that too now that we are home. To do things that don't necessarily involve ourselves as much. You can find the article here. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=29350800&nid=148&title=david-archuleta-called-to-serve&fm=home_page&s_cid=topstory

I am sooo the farthest thing from perfect. There is no doubt about that. These are just some things that have helped me. You will find those things that help you, whether it's this or something else, be willing to change. Believe it or not you can be even better than you were when you were at your prime of being a missionary.

If you have more questions or would like more information on what the church members say about scripture study and prayer check it out on lds.org just type the info you are looking for in the search bar and it will come up with talks, scriptures, you name it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Elder Perry Says it Best

Hey all! So I thought for this week I would go a little wild and crazy and share some of my favorite words from an amazing Apostle about life after the mission. He puts things into perspective so well, and it is pretty long, but it is soooo good!! 
It reminded me what I need to do at least to whip my toosh into gear and do what I need to do back home, next time I will tell you more about what I am doing personally and what I am struggling with doing. But I do know that Elder Perry has truth in his words and that this will help you too. 
Here is the link to the talk as well if that is easier:
This afternoon, I want to address my remarks to a special group. During the last many years, hundreds of thousands of you have returned from serving full-time missions. Each of you heeded the same call the Savior gave to His disciples:
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of theHoly Ghost:
“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19–20).
It was your privilege to go to the many parts of the world to carry the Savior’s message—an invitation to come unto Him and enjoy the fruits of His gospel. You were privileged to live in different cultures and learn different languages. It was also a time of building your own personal testimony of the mission of Jesus Christ.
I have always been honored to visit with you returned missionaries over the years—many of you long to return and visit the people you had the privilege of serving. You are anxious to share moments of your experiences in the mission field. In your wedding announcements and your employment résumés, you insert a line that identifies you as a returned missionary. While you no longer wear a missionary’s badge, you seem anxious to identify yourselves as one who has served the Lord as a missionary. Moreover, you have fond memories because you discovered the joy of gospel service.
I have also learned from many conversations with you that the adjustment associated with leaving the mission field and returning to the world you left behind is sometimes difficult. Perhaps it is hard to keep alive the spirit of missionary work when you are no longer serving as a full-time missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
May I offer just a few suggestions?
One of the strongest recollections I have of being a missionary is how close I drew to the Lord through the practice of regular prayer. In my day the Mission Home was located on State Street in Salt Lake City. It was a large house that had been converted to a mission training center. It had large dormitory rooms with perhaps as many as 10 beds in a room. We checked in on Sunday night.
The week before I entered the mission field was an exciting time. There were a lot of parties and farewells. I am afraid that I was not properly rested and prepared for the training I was to receive at the Mission Home. As the evening of our first day in the Mission Home came to a close, I was weary. While waiting for the other missionaries to prepare themselves for bed, I stretched out on my bed and promptly fell asleep. My sleep, however, was interrupted by a feeling that I was surrounded. As the fog of sleep lifted, I heard the words of a prayer being said. I opened my eyes, and much to my surprise I found all the elders in my dormitory room kneeling around my bed, concluding the day with a prayer. I quickly closed my eyes and acted as if I was asleep. I was too embarrassed to get out of bed and join them. Even though my first experience with prayer as a missionary was an embarrassing one, it was the beginning of two wonderful years of frequently calling upon the Lord for guidance.
Throughout my mission, I prayed with my companion each morning as we began a new day. The process was repeated each night before we retired. We offered a prayer before we studied, a prayer as we left our apartment to go out tracting, and, of course, special prayers when special guidance was needed to direct our missionary work. The frequency of our appeals to our Father in Heaven gave us strength and courage to press forward in the work to which we had been called. Answers would come, sometimes in astonishingly direct and positive ways. The guidance of the Holy Spirit seemed to be magnified the more times we appealed to the Lord for direction on a given day.
As I look back on my life following my mission, I realize that there were periods when I was able to maintain the same closeness to the Lord that I experienced in the mission field. There were also periods when the world seemed to creep in and I was less consistent and faithful with my prayers.
Wouldn’t this be a good time for a little self-evaluation to determine if we still have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven that we enjoyed in the mission field? If the world has diverted us from the practice of prayer, we then have lost a great spiritual power. Maybe it is time that we rekindle our missionary spirit through more frequent, consistent, and mighty prayer.
The next fond memory I have as a missionary is that of daily engaging in scripture study. The discipline of following a scripture-study plan of learning the gospel was a wonderful, rewarding experience. The knowledge of the teachings of the scriptures would unfold in a glorious way through individual study. As a missionary, I recall marveling at how completely the Lord had prepared a plan for His children here on earth, how in all dispensations of time He has inspired the minds of His prophets to record His dealings with them. His words are always positive and direct, revealing the blessings that come through following His law and His way.
We would also take an hour or more each day to study as companions together. Having two sets of eyes examine the doctrine of the kingdom seemed to multiply our understanding. We would read together, then share our insights.
Our minds were sharpened as we followed the daily practice of individual and companion study. The practice brought us closer together as companions and increased our understanding of the doctrines of the kingdom.
When we leave the mission field, we no longer have companions to help us discipline our study habits, but that does not mean that the practice should be discontinued. As we return home, how great it would be to hold daily family scripture study. If we leave home, couldn’t we invite roommates and friends to study with us? The practice of holding regular study classes would help keep the doctrines of the kingdom clear in our minds and offset the persistent intrusion of worldly concerns. Of course, when we marry, we have eternal companions with whom we can study and share gospel teachings. The scriptures are always there to deepen our understanding of the purpose of life and what we need to do to make life more fulfilling and rewarding. Please keep alive the practice of regular individual and companion scripture study.
Do you remember the joy that comes from teaching the gospel to someone who has been deprived of these teachings throughout their life, the excitement that comes when you teach the law of the Lord, and the blessings that are received from following Him? Could you ever forget the joy of your first baptism in the mission field?
In my day, the chapels were not equipped with baptismal fonts. My first baptism was in the Scioto River in the state of Ohio. It was on a cool fall day, and the water seemed even colder than the air. I remember the shock of wading into the cold river while encouraging my investigator to follow me. The coldness of the air and the water, however, soon vanished as I administered the ordinance of baptism. Seeing the radiant face of the individual who came up out of the waters of baptism is an image I will never forget.
Opportunities to teach the gospel and baptize are not exclusive to those who wear the badge of a full-time missionary. I wonder why we allow the fire of missionary service to diminish when we return to the activities of our life in the world.
There has never been a time in the history of mankind when we have been better equipped to teach the gospel to our Father in Heaven’s children here on earth. And they seem to need it more today than they ever have. We see a deterioration of faith. We see an increased love for worldliness and a depletion of moral values, both of which will cause increased heartache and despair. What we need is a royal army of returned missionaries reenlisted into service. While they would not wear the badge of a full-time missionary, they could possess the same resolve and determination to bring the light of the gospel to a world struggling to find its way.
I call on you returned missionaries to rededicate yourselves, to become reinfused with the desire and spirit of missionary service. I call on you to look the part, to be the part, and to act the part of a servant of our Father in Heaven. I pray for your renewed determination to proclaim the gospel that you may become more actively engaged in this great work the Lord has called all of us to do. I want to promise you there are great blessings in store for you if you continue to press forward with the zeal you once possessed as a full-time missionary.
I had an experience a few years ago of receiving a call from my son, Lee. He told me that my first missionary companion was in his neighborhood, and he wanted to spend a few minutes with me. Lee and I both went over to the home of my first companion’s daughter, whom he was visiting. We had a special experience of being together after many years of not seeing one another. As missionaries we were given the opportunity of opening up a new town in Ohio to missionary work. Because of this assignment, we were allowed to labor together for 10 months. He was my trainer, my first companion. He came from a family that had taught him the value of hard work. It was difficult for me to keep up with him, but as we served together we drew close together as companions.
Our companionship did not end with the 10-month assignment. World War II was raging, and when I returned home I had only a short time to adjust before I was drafted into military service. On my first Sunday in boot camp, I attended an LDS service. I saw the back of a head that was very familiar to me. It was my first missionary companion. We spent most of the next two and a half years together. Although circumstances were very different for us in military service, we tried to continue the practices of missionary service. As often as we could, we prayed together. When circumstances allowed, we had scripture study together. I recall many companion study sessions under the light of a Coleman lantern in a shrapnel-scarred tent. Several times our reading of the scriptures was interrupted by the sound of an air raid siren. We would quickly turn off our lantern, then kneel together and close our study class with a prayer.
We were both set apart as group leaders, and we again had the opportunity to serve and teach together the glorious gospel of our Lord and Savior. We were more successful in the military than we had been as full-time missionaries. Why? Because we were experienced returned missionaries.
My visit with my first missionary companion was the last opportunity I had to be with him. He was suffering from an incurable disease and died only a few months later. It was a wonderful experience to relive our missions together and then tell about our lives following our missionary service. We recounted our service in bishoprics, high councils, and stake presidencies, and, of course, we bragged about our children and our grandchildren. As we sat and thrilled at the opportunity of being together again, I couldn’t help but think of the account in the 17th chapter of the book of Alma:
“And now it came to pass that as Alma was journeying from the land of Gideon southward, away to the land of Manti, behold, to his astonishment, he met with the sons of Mosiah journeying towards the land of Zarahemla.
“Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
“But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God” (Alma 17:1–3).
I wish all of you could have an experience similar to the one I had with my first missionary companion, that you could pause and reflect on a time of service when you gave diligently of your time and your talents in building our Father in Heaven’s kingdom. If you try to make it happen, I promise you that it will be one of the thrilling experiences of your life. You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What I Wish My Family Would Have Known

I adore my family, they are my closest friends. I was really excited to see them again when I was coming home. This is a post though a little about what I wish they would have known about what to do when I was now back in the picture.

So let me give you a quick run down of the cool Griffin Clan! #1 Papa G.... that's my nickname for him anyways cause he is a boss! He is a great dad and has always taken care of us. #2 Mama Sue, I am not kidding when I say she is my best friend. I tell my mom everything. She is so fun and adventurous and throws in a colorful comment here and there for some high quality entertainment #3 my oldest sister Nycole. She is married to an amazing guy John, and they now have two kids, which I am convinced are the cutest kids that have ever walked on the earth, the oldest is Freddy who will be 2 in March and Josi who was born December 5, ha don't make me do the mommy math. #4 is Kammi. She is hilarious, she is married to Adam who is also incredible and they are expecting a baby in July. Then there's happy #5 me :) #6 Burton, who is serving as a missionary in Hawaii. He gives my mom a run for the Best Friend title. He is the coolest kid ever and he better be enjoying those lovely winters! #7 the grand finale is Matt. Oh my gosh he is so funny!! He is a junior in high school and is lovin sports and the ladies. I've included some pictures so you can put a name with the faces.

Kammi, Adam, Burton, Dad, Mom, John, Nycole, Matt, and Me

So there you have it, that is the family dynamic I could give you all the crazy info, but I don't think the fam would like that too much :) haha I am the middle child I was not a fan of that place in the family all growing up but I am convincing myself I like it more and more the older I get cause I am not too far from either end of the siblings.

Okay okay, what in the world does this have to do with being an awkward return missionary? Well let me tell you! Coming home is not the funnest. I felt like I had to learn my family dynamic all over again because I had been gone for so long and naturally they morphed around it. Plus now I am a totally different person than I was before.

So on the mission we get to skype our families twice a year. My first time was great, my second time freaked the poop out of me. Just when I felt like most of those insecurities that I struggled with for so long were finally over, they came surfacing again and I was not liking it one bit. I remember emailing my mom about it afterwards and she said, "You know I was thinking about this and talking to your siblings because when you get home you have every right to be who you want to be and we will support that." See why she is my best friend! That helped sooooo much! Holy cow I was grateful.

When you come home it is definitely an adjustment you have to relearn you a little bit and it leaves you feeling lost. My mom and my sisters and I, play quite a bit of card games when we are all together and as we are playing cards one night we were talking about the adjustment and stuff and I started to cry... I know it's not an unusual occurrence but the alligator tears were, holy cow! I remember telling them that I felt like a brand new missionary again and I didn't know what to do or how to combine the two people that I felt like I was, if that makes sense. I especially struggled with not knowing exactly what my set purpose was anymore.

I think the biggest thing I wanted my family to know is that I was different than before. I was so much better than I was before. And I needed their support more than anyone else or else I very easily could have fallen back into that same person that I was. I wasn't a bad person but I really like who I am now. I had been changed by this experience. I also wish they would have been more supportive in my very awkwardness. Ha and instead of resisting the change that would come to them to embrace it, but hey that's one tough thing to do. I will probably have to write another post when my brother comes home about what I wish HE would have known :) Ya can't win can ya!

A guy named CJ wrote a really cool post about coming home from an extended trip. It is not necessarily about coming home from a mission but it has great advice you can apply to your situation.

There is also an adorable blog about a girl coming home and their decorations and everything were so cute, just in case your fam is expecting a missionary home soon. Check this out.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Here it Comes.... the Hug

Mission Rule #1 -- Do not have relationships with boys, no hugging no kissing, no flirting etc.

So I got home, things were going pretty well. My family all came in and we were just livin the dream playing games and what not. Then I hear a knock on the door. It was one of my best friends from college and.... a boy. That is right. I was so excited to see them I ran up and gave her a hug, and well did what I did for my entire mission..... I stuck out my hand to shake his. He started to laugh until he realized I wasn't kidding and said, "Oh you've got to be kidding" I did that awkward laugh chuckle thing where you are trying to pretend you are joking but you are so not. Yeah it was weird. I know.

For a good 2 to 3 weeks every time a guy came up to me I cringed not really knowing what to do.

Here is a really good article I found about why it is okay to be as awkward as we are!


and if that doesn't make you feel like a million bucks I am not sure what will :)

I thought this shirt was pretty funny though.

I it getting a wee bit better. No worries. I can side hug ya like a boss!